The idea for a juice bar transpired from our family's personal experience with & triumph over the C word - CANCER! In 2012, our mother was diagnosed with Stage IIIc Colorectal Cancer at the age of 48. While she did pursue conventional treatment, she also adopted a holistic attitude. With a husband & 4 daughters, she knew she needed to become proactive & supplement her treatment. So she quickly dusted off her dinosaur of a juicer, cut out processed food, sugar, & animal products. Her cancer-ridden colon was cleansed and nourished with cold-pressed organic juice multiple times a day. On the day of her resection surgery, she arrived in the OR with no sign of live cancer cells nor any trace of the tumor. Her doctors were astounded and offered no explanation; but we knew it was the juice! So, she & her 4 daughters have set out to create a safe haven for her & others struggling with the same or similar issues. We have experienced the miracle of juicing; now we want to share it with you!

TJB granola parfait
Ruby Sunset

Dragon Fruit

107 S. Third St.
Richmond, TX 77469
Tue – Fri 8am – 4pm
Sat 9am – 3pm
Closed Sundays & Mondays
(281) 762-2483